Troy Widgery: Living the Go Fast Lifestyle

To many, Troy Widgery is just a successful founder and CEO of the Go Fast Sports and Beverage Company. To a large extent, that is true, as Troy has worked hard to establish a company whose main audience is thrill-seekers and those fond of extreme sports. However, those close to him know that his love of extreme sports and fast lifestyle is part of his DNA.

A devoted and experienced BASE jumper and skydiver, Troy Widgery harbored dreams of becoming a stuntman when he was a kid. He started racing quarter midget cars when he was four years old and turned out to be good at it. At age seven, he took his love of speed a notch higher and could be found racing motorcycles. This early start with an extreme lifestyle spurred him to take on more sports, and by the age of sixteen, he was already skydiving.

When he established the Go Fast brand in 1996, Troy Widgery was looking to establish a venture that would reflect his love of extreme sports. In the beginning, the company manufactured apparel for people who shared Troy’s thrill-seeking nature, and soon expanded to include sports drinks and chewing.

Over the course of his career, Troy Widgery has established two successful business ventures. While he is synonymous with the Go Fast brand, his first venture was a skydiving accessories company. Both companies reflect his passion for living on the edge, pursuing a dream regardless of the obstacles in the way, and pushing boundaries.

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